Primate Comparative Anatomy Print E-mail

- DIOGO, R., B. SHEARER, J. M. POTAU, J. F. PASTOR, F. J. DE PAZ, J. ARIAS-MARTORELL, C. TURCOTTE, A. HAMMOND, E. VEREECKE, M. VANHOOF, S. NAUWELAERTS & B. WOOD (2017). Photographic and descriptive musculoskeletal atlas of bonobos - with notes on the weight, attachments, variations, and innervation of the muscles and comparisons with common chimpanzees and humans. Springer (New York, US). 259 pages.


- DIOGO, R., D. NODEN, C. M. SMITH, J. A. MOLNAR, J. BOUGHNER, C. BARROCAS & J. BRUNO (2016). Learning and understanding human anatomy and pathology: an evolutionary and developmental guide for medical students. Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 348 pages.

- DIOGO, R., J.F. PASTOR, A. HARTSTONE-ROSE M.N. MUCHLINSKI (2014). "Baby gorilla: photographic and descriptive atlas of the skeleton, muscles and internal organs of a baby gorilla - including CT scans and comparisons to other gorillas and primates". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 101 pages.

- DIOGO, R., J.M. POTAU, J.F. PASTOR, F. de PAZ, M.M. BARBOSA, E.M. FERRERO, G. BELLO, M. A. AZIZ, A. BURROWS & B.A. WOOD (2013). "Photographic and descriptive atlas of orangutans (Pongo) - with notes on the attachments, variations, innervation, synonymy and weight of the muscles". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 150 pages.

- DIOGO, R., J.M. POTAU, J.F. PASTOR, F. de PAZ, M.M. BARBOSA, E.M. FERRERO, G. BELLO, M. A. AZIZ, A. BURROWS & B.A. WOOD (2013). "Photographic and descriptive atlas of chimpanzees (Pan) - with notes on the attachments, variations, innervation, synonymy and weight of the muscles". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 149 pages.

- DIOGO, R. & WOOD, B. (2012). "Comparative anatomy and phylogeny of primate muscles and human evolution". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 1025 pages.

- DIOGO, R., J.M. POTAU, J.F. PASTOR, F. de PAZ, M.M. BARBOSA, E.M. FERRERO, G. BELLO, M. A. AZIZ, A. BURROWS & B.A. WOOD (2012). "Photographic and descriptive atlas of gibbons and siamangs (Hylobates) - with notes on the attachments, variations, innervation, synonymy and weight of the muscles". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 168 pages.

- DIOGO, R., J.M. POTAU, J.F. PASTOR, F. de PAZ, M.M. BARBOSA, E.M. FERRERO, G. BELLO & B.A. WOOD (2010). "Photographic and descriptive atlas of Gorilla - with notes on the attachments, variations, innervation, synonymy and weight of the muscles". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 132 pages.



- MARTIN, S., E. BOYLE, R. DIOGO & F. CORREIA (2020). Visible Ape Project - disseminating great ape anatomy using 3D models and scientific illustrations. CONFIA 33: 978-989-54939-0-6 [PCA23]

CAMPBELL, R., VINAS, G., HENNEBERG, M. & R. DIOGO (2021). Visual depictions of our evolutionary past: a broad case study concerning the need for quantitative methods of soft tissue reconstruction and art-science collaborations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 26: 10.3389/fevo.2021.639048. [PCA23--> paper free online here: https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.639048 

DIOGO, R., J. L. MOLNAR, C. ROLIAN & B. ESTEVE-ALTAVA (2018). First network analysis of fore- and hindlimb musculoskeletal modularity and evolution in bonobos, common chimps and humans. Nature Scientific Reports: 6885. [PCA22--> paper free online here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-25262-6

- DIOGO, R. (2018). First detailed anatomical study of bonobos exposes just-so stories of human evolution, bipedalism and tool use. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution - Evo Devohttps://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2018.00053 [PCA21--> paper free online here: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fevo.2018.00053/full

- POWELL, V., B. ESTEVE-ALTAVA, J. MOLNAR, B. VILLMOARE, A. PETTIT B & R. DIOGO (2018). Primate modularity and evolution: first anatomical network analysis of primate head and neck musculoskeletal system. Nature Scientific Reports 8:2341 [PCA20--> paper free online here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-20063-3

- POTAU, J. M, J. ARIAS-MARTORELL, G. BELLO-HELLEGOUARCH, A. CASADO, J. F. PASTOR, F. DE PAZ & R. DIOGO (2018). Inter- and intra-specific variations in the pectoral muscles of common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), bonobos (Pan paniscus), and humans (Homo sapiens). BioMed Research International 2018: 9404508 [PCA19] --> paper free online here: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2018/9404508/



LEMELIN, P. & DIOGO, R. (2016). Comparative and functional aspects of the musculature of the primate hand. In: Kivell, T.L., Lemelin, P., Richmond, B.G. & Schmitt, D. (eds.), The evolution of the primate hand: perspectives from anatomical, developmental, functional, and paleontological evidence, Springer (New York, US): 155-193 [PCA18--> reduced quality PDF; FOR A HIGH QUALITY VERSION OF THE PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]


DIOGO, R. & B. WOOD (2016). Origin, development and evolution of primate muscles, with notes on human anatomical variations and anomalies. In: Boughner, J. & C. Rolian (eds.), Developmental approaches to human evolution, John Wiley & Sons (Hoboken, US): 167-204. [BD10--> PDF]

pdfDIOGO, R., M.N. MUCHLINSKI & A. HARTSTONE-ROSE (2015). Comparative anatomy of primates. In: Muehlenbein, M.P. (ed.), Basics in Human Evolution, Elsevier (London, UK): 43-55. [PCA17 --> PDF]

pdfESTEVE-ALTAVA, B., J.C. BOUGHNER, R. DIOGO, B. VILLMOARE & D. RASSKIN-GUTMAN (2015). Anatomical network analysis shows decoupling of modular lability and complexity in the evolution of the primate skull. PLOS One 10: e0127653 [PCA16 --> PDF; FOR A HIGH QUALITY VERSION OF THE PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]

pdfDIOGO, R., J. L. MOLNAR & T. D. SMITH (2014). The anatomy and ontogeny of the head, neck, pectoral, and upper limb muscles of Lemur catta and Propithecus coquereli (Primates): discussion on the parallelism between ontogeny and phylogeny and implications for evolutionary and developmental biology. The Anatomical Record 297:1435-1453 [PCA15 --> PDF; FOR A HIGH QUALITY VERSION OF THE PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]


SANTANA, S. E, S. D. DOBSON & R. WOOD (2014). Plain faces are more expressive: comparative study of facial color, mobility and musculature in primates. Biological Letters 10: 20140275. [PPE4--> PDF]


DIOGO, R. & B. WOOD (2013). The broader evolutionary lessons to be learned from a comparative and phylogenetic analysis of primate muscle morphology. Biological Reviews 88: 988-1001. [PPE3--> PDF; FOR A HIGH QUALITY VERSION OF THE PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]

pdfBELLO-HELLEGOUARCH, G., AZIZ, M.A., FERRERO, E.M., KERN, M., FRANCIS, N. & DIOGO, R. (2012). 'Pollical palmar interosseous muscle' (musculus adductor pollicis accessorius): attachments, innervation, variation, phylogeny, review of the literature, and implications for human evolution and medicine. Journal of Morphology 275: 274-293 [PCA14 --> PDF]

pdfDIOGO, R. & B. A. WOOD (2012). Violation of Dollo's law: evidence of muscle reversions in primate phylogeny and their implications for the understanding of the ontogeny, evolution and anatomical variations of modern humans. Evolution 66: 3267-3276 [PCA13 --> PDF]

pdfDIOGO, R., B. G. RICHMOND & B. A. WOOD (2011). Evolution and homologies of primate and modern human hand and forearm muscles, with notes on thumb movements and tool use. Journal of Human Evolution 63:64-78 [PCA12 --> PDF; FOR A HIGH QUALITY VERSION OF THE PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]

pdfBELLO-HELLEGOUARCH, G., J. M. POTAU, J. ARIAS-MARTORELL, R. DIOGO & A. PEREZ-PEREZ (2012). The rotator cuff muscles in Hominoidea: evolution and adaptations to different typs of locomotion. In: Hughes EF, Hill ME (eds.), Primates: Classification, evolution and behavior, Nova Science Publishers (Hauppauge, US): 111-134  [PCA10 --> PDF]

pdfFERRERO, E. M., J. F. PASTOR, F. P. FERNANDEZ, M. BARBOSA CACHORRO, J. F. PASTOR, R. DIOGO & B. WOOD (2012). Comparative anatomy of the lower limb muscles of hominoids: attachments, relative weights, innervation and functional morphology. In: Hughes EF, Hill ME (eds.), Primates: Classification, evolution and behavior, Nova Science Publishers (Hauppauge, US): 1-70 [PCA11 --> PDFFOR A HIGH QUALITY VERSION OF THE PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]

pdfDIOGO, R. & B. A. WOOD (2011). Soft-tissue anatomy of the primates: phylogenetic analyses bases on the muscles of the head, neck, pectoral region and upper limb, with notes on the evolution of these muscles. Journal of Anatomy Anat 219:273-359 [PCA9 --> PDF]

pdfPOTAU J. M., R. ARTELLS, G. BELLO, C. MUNOZ, M. MONZO, J. F. PASTOR, F. DE PAZ, M. BARBOSA, R. DIOGO, B. WOOD (2011). Expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in the supraspinatus muscle of different primate species. International Journal of Primatology 32:931-944 [PCA8 --> PDF]

pdfAZIZ, M. A., C. E. SKINNER & R. DIOGO (2011). En bloc removal of the mandible, the masticatory muscles and the mandibular nerve in the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes, Blumenbach 1799), with a review and critique of the methods used to expose the trigeminal musculature in derived primates. The Open Anatomy Journal 3:21-33 [PCA7 --> PDF]

pdfBURROWS, A., R. DIOGO, B. M. WALLER, C. J. BONAR & K. LIEBAL (2011). Morphology of facial expression in a monogamous ape: evaluating the relative influences of ecological and phylogenetic factors in hylobatids. Anatomical Record 294:645-663. [PCA6 --> PDF]

pdfAVERSI-FERREIRA, T. A., R. DIOGO, J. M. POTAU, G. BELLO, J. F. PASTOR & M. A. AZIZ (2010). Comparative anatomical study of the forearm extensor muscles of Cebus libidinosus (Rylands et al. 2000; Primates, Cebidae), modern humans, and other primates, with comments on primate evolution, phylogeny and manipulatory behavior. Anatomical Record 293:2056-2070. [PCA5 --> PDF]


AZIZ, M. A., K. LASHLEY & R. DIOGO (2010). En bloc removal of the mandible, the trigeminal muscles and the mandibular nerve in humans. The Open Anatomy Journal 2:56-66. [PCA4 --> PDF]


DIOGO, R., B. A. WOOD, M. A. AZIZ & A. BURROWS (2009). On the origin, homologies and evolution of primate facial muscles, with a particular focus on hominoids and a suggested unifying nomenclature for the facial muscles of the Mammalia. Journal of Anatomy 215:300-319. [PCA3 --> PDF]


DIOGO, R., V. ABDALA, M. A. AZIZ, N. LONERGAN & B. WOOD (2009). From fish to humans - comparative anatomy, homologies and evolution of the pectoral and forelimb musculature. Journal of Anatomy 214:694-716. [PCA2 --> PDF]


DIOGO, R., V. ABDALA, N. LONERGAN & B. WOOD (2008). From fish to humans - comparative anatomy, homologies and evolution of the head and neck musculature. Journal of Anatomy 213:391-424. [PCA1 --> PDF]

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