ZIERMANN, J., J. BOUGHNER, B. ESTEVE-ALTAVA & R. DIOGO (2021). Anatomical comparison across heads, fore- and hindlimbs in mammals using network models. Journal of Anatomy XXX [CCA66; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
DIOGO, R. (2020). Not deconstructing serial homology, but instead the a priori assumption that it generally involves ancestral anatomical similarity: an answer to Kuznetsov's paper. Journal of Morphology 281: 1628-1633 [CCA65; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
- YURASAKPONG, L., R. DIOGO, A. CHAIYAMOON, K. MEEMON & A. SUWANNAKHAN (2020). Extensor Indicis Radialis and Extensor Medii Proprius Associated with an Unknown Fibromuscular Slip: a Case Report. SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine: 10.1007/s42399-020-00545-0 [CCA64 --> pdf free here:]
SHAW, V., R. DIOGO & I. WINDER (2020). Hiding in Plain Sight - Revealing the world's oldest anatomical atlas. The Anatomical Record XXX [CCA63 --> pdf free here:]
SIOMAVA, N., S. MARTIN & R. DIOGO (2020). Deconstructing the long-standing a priori assumption that serial homology generally involves ancestral similarity followed by anatomical diverge. Journal of Morphology 281: 1110-1132 [CCA62; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
- DIOGO, R (2020).Cranial or postcranial - dual origin of the pectoral appendage of vertebrates combining the fin-fold and gill-arch theories? Developmental Dynamics: 10.1002/dvdy.192 [CCA61 --> pdf free here:]
- SIOMAVA, N., F. SHKILL & R. DIOGO (2020). Comparative anatomy of the fin muscles of non-sarcopterygian fishes, with notes on homology and evolution. Annals of Anatomy 230: 151507 [CCA60 --> pdf free here:]
KAMINSKI, J., B.M. WALLER, R. DIOGO, A. HARTSTONE-ROSE & A.M. BURROWS (2019). Evolution of facial muscle anatomy in dogs. PNAS: 1820653116. [CCA59--> PDF]
- ESTEVE-ALTAVA, E., S. PIERCE, J. MOLNAR, P. JOHNSTON, R. DIOGO & J. R. HUTCHINSON (2019). Evolutionary parallelisms of pectoral and pelvic network-anatomy from fins to limbs. Science Advances 5: eaau7459. [CCA58 --> The pdf is freely available here:]
- WERNEBURG, I., B. ESTEVE-ALTAVA, J. BRUNO, M. LADEIRA & R. DIOGO (2019). Unique skull network complexity of Tyrannosaurus rex among land vertebrates. Nature Scientific Reports 9:1520. [CCA57 --> The pdf is freely available here:]
- MOLNAR, J., R. DIOGO, J. HUTCHINSON & S. PIERCE (2018). Reconstructing pectoral appendicular muscle anatomy in fossil fish and tetrapods over the fins-to-limbs transition. Biological Reviews 93:1077-1107. [CCA53--> PDF --> The pdf is freely available here:]
- ZIERMANN, J. M. & DIOGO, R. (2019). Evolution of chordate cardiopharyngeal muscles and the origin of vertebrate head muscles. In: Ziermann, J. M., Diaz, R. & Diogo, R. (eds.), Heads, jaws and muscles: anatomical, functional, and developmental diversity in Chordate evolution, Springer (New York, US): 1-22. [FOR A PDF COPY, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
- DIOGO, R. & POWELL, V. (2019). The origin and evolution of mammalian head muscles with special emphasis on the facial myology of primates and modern humans. In: Ziermann, J. M., Diaz, R. & Diogo, R. (eds.), Heads, jaws and muscles: anatomical, functional, and developmental diversity in Chordate evolution, Springer (New York, US). 253-293. [FOR A PDF COPY, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
MOLNAR, J., R. DIOGO, J. HUTCHINSON & S. PIERCE (2018). Evolution of hindlimb muscle anatomy across the tetrapod water-to-land transition, including comparisons with forelimb anatomy. The Anatomical Record 303: 218-234 [CCA56; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
ESTEVE-ALTAVA, E., J. MOLNAR, P. JOHNSTON, J. R. HUTCHINSON & R. DIOGO (2018). Anatomical network analysis of the musculoskeletal system reveals integration loss and parcellation boost during the fins-to-limbs transition. Evolution 72:601-618 [CCA55; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
SIOMAVA, N. & R. DIOGO (2018). Comparative anatomy of zebrafish paired and medial fin muscles: basis for functional, developmental, and macroevolutionary studies. Journal of Anatomy 232:186-199 [CCA54; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
- MOLNAR, J., R. DIOGO, J. HUTCHINSON & S. PIERCE (2018). Reconstructing pectoral appendicular muscle anatomy in fossil fish and tetrapods over the fins-to-limbs transition. Biological Reviews 93:1077-1107. [CCA53--> PDF --> The pdf is freely available here:
MOLNAR, J., R. E. DIAZ, T. SKORKA, G. DAGLIYAN & R. DIOGO (2017). Comparative musculoskeletal anatomy of chameleon limbs, with implications for the evolution of arboreal locomotion in lizards and for teratology. Journal of Morphology 278:1241-1261. [CCA52; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
MOLNAR, J., P. JOHNSTON, B. ESTEVE-ALTAVA & R. DIOGO (2016). Musculoskeletal anatomy of the pelvic fin of Polypterus: implications for phylogenetic distribution and homology of pre- and postaxial pelvic appendicular muscles. Journal of Anatomy 230:532-541.[CCA51]
DIOGO, R., P. JOHNSTON, J. MOLNAR & B. ESTEVE-ALTAVA (2016). Characteristic tetrapod musculoskeleletal limb phenotype emerged more than 400 MYA in basal lobe-finned fishes. Nature Scientific Reports 6:37592. [CCA50--> PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
DIOGO, R., G. BELLO-HELLEGOUARCH, T. KOHLSDORF, B. ESTEVE-ALTAVA & J. MOLNAR (2016). Comparative myology and evolution of marsupials and other vertebrates, with notes on complexit, Bauplan, and "Scala Naturae". Anatomical Record 299: 1224-1255 [CCA49--> PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
- MIYASHITA, T. & R. DIOGO (2016). Evolution of serial patterns in the vertebrate pharyngeal apparatus and paired appendages via assimilation of dissimilar units. Frontiers Ecology and Evolution - Evo Devo 4:71. [CCA48--> PDF --> The pdf is freely available here:
DIOGO, R. & J. MOLNAR (2016). Links between evolution, development, human anatomy, pathology and medicine, with a proposition of a re-defined anatomical position and notes on constraints and morphological 'imperfections'. Journal of Experimental Zoology B (Molecular Developmental Evolution) 326: 215-224 [CCA47--> PDF]
DIOGO, R., R. KELLY, L. CHRISTIAEN, M. LEVINE, J.M. ZIERMANN, J. MOLNAR, D. NODEN & E. TZAHOR (2015). A new heart for a new head in vertebrate cardiopharyngeal evolution. Nature 520: 466-473. [CCA44--> PDF]
ABDALA, V., M. GRIZANTE, R. DIOGO, J. MOLNAR & T. KOHLSDORF (2015). Musculoskeletal anatomical changes accompany limb reduction in lizards. Journal of Morphology 276: 1290-1310. [CCA46--> PDF]
DIOGO, R., B. ESTEVE-ALTAVA, SMITH, C., J. C. BOUGHNER & D. RASSKIN-GUTMAN (2015). Anatomical Network Comparison of Human Upper and Lower, Newborn and Adult, and Normal and Abnormal Limbs, with Notes on Development, Pathology and Limb Serial Homology vs. Homoplasy. PLOS One: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140030. [BD3--> PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
DIOGO, R. & J.M. ZIERMANN (2015). Development, metamorphosis, morphology and diversity: the evolution of chordate muscles and the origin of vertebrates. Developmental Dynamics 244: 1046-1057. [CCA45--> PDF].
DIOGO, R., S. WALSH, C. SMITH, J.M. ZIERMANN & V. ABDALA (2015). Towards the resolution of a long-standing evolutionary question: muscle identity and attachments are mainly related to topological position and not to primordium or homeotic identity of digits. Journal of Anatomy 226: 523-529. [CCA43--> PDF]
ESTEVE-ALTAVA, B., R. DIOGO, C. SMITH, J.C. BOUGHNER & D. RASSKIN-GUTMAN (2015). Anatomical networks reveal the musculoskeletal modularity of the human head. Nature Scientific Reports 5: 8298. [CCA42--> PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO].
DEANS, A. R., (...), R. DIOGO, (...) & P. M. MABEE (2015). Finding our way through phenotypes. PLOS Biology 13: e1002033. [CCA41--> PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO].
ZIERMANN, J.M, T. MIYASHITA & R. DIOGO (2014). Cephalic muscles of Cyclostomes (hagfishes and lampreys) and Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays and holocephalans): comparative anatomy and early evolution of the vertebrate muscles. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 172: 771-802. [CCA40--> PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO].
DIOGO, R. & J.M. ZIERMANN. Muscles of chondrichthyan paired appendages: comparison with osteichthyans, deconstruction of the fore-hindlimb serial homology dogma, and new insights on the evolution of the vertebrate neck. Anatomical Record 298: 513-530. [CCA39--> PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO].
DIOGO, R., J.M. ZIERMANN & M. LINDE-MEDINA (2015). Specialize or risk disappearance - empirical evidence of anisomerism based on comparative and developmental studies of gnathostome head and limb musculature. Biological Reviews 90: 964-978. [CCA38--> PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO].
DIOGO, R., J.M. ZIERMANN & M. LINDE-MEDINA (2015). Is evolutionary biology becoming too politically correct? A reflection on the scala naturae, phylogenetically basal clades, anatomically plesiomorphic taxa, and 'lower' animals. Biological Reviews 90: 502-521. [PHB7--> PDF]
DIOGO, R. & J. MOLNAR (2014). Comparative anatomy, evolution and homologies of tetrapod hindlimb muscles, comparison with forelimb muscles, and deconstruction of the forelimb-hindlimb serial homology hypothesis. Anatomical Record 297: 1047-1075. [CCA37-->PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO].
DIOGO, R., M. LINDE-MEDINA, V. ABDALA & M. ASHLEY-ROSS (2013)*. New, puzzling insights from comparative myological studies on the old and unsolved forelimb/hindlimb enigma. Biological Reviews 88:196-214 (*paper selected for the Cover of this issue of Biological Reviews). [PHB5--> PDF]
DIOGO, R., F. PASTOR, F. DE PAZ, J. M. POTAU, G. BELLO-HELLEGOUARCH, E. M. FERRERO & R. FISHER (2012). The head and neck muscles of the serval and tiger: homologies, evolution and proposal of a mammalian and a veterinary muscle ontology. Anatomical Record 295:2157-2178 [CCA36-->PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO].
DIOGO, R. & E. M. TANAKA (2012). Anatomy of the pectoral and forelimb muscles of wildtype and GFP-transgenic axolotls and comparison with other tetrapods including humans: a basis for regenerative, evolutionary and developmental studies. Journal of Anatomy 221: 622-635 [CCA35-->PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO].
DAZA, J. D., R. DIOGO, P. JOHNSTON & V. ABDALA (2011). Jaw adductor muscles accross lepidosaurs: a reappraisal. Anatomical Record 294:1765-1782 [CCA34-->PDF].
DIOGO, R. & V. ABDALA (2010). The head muscles of dipnoans - a review on the homologies and evolution of these muscles within Vertebrates. In: Jorgensen, J.M. & J. Joss (eds.), Biology of lungfishes, Science Publishers (Enfield, US): 169-218. [CCA33 --> MS]
ABDALA, V. & R. DIOGO (2010). Comparative anatomy, homologies and evolution of the pectoral and forelimb musculature of tetrapods with special attention to extant limbed amphibians and reptiles. Journal of Anatomy 217:536-573. [CCA32 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2009). The head musculature of the Philippine colugo (Dermoptera: Cynocephalus volans), with a comparison to tree-shrews, primates and other mammals. Journal of Morphology 270:14-51. [CCA31 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2009). Origin, evolution and homologies of the Weberian apparatus: a new insight. International Journal of Morphology 27: 333-354. [CCA30 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2009). A review of the cranial and pectoral musculature of gonorynchiform fishes, with comments on their functional morphology and a comparison with other otocephalans. In: Grande, T., F. Poyato-Ariza & R. Diogo (eds.), Gonorynchiformes and ostariophysan relationships – a comprehensive review, Science Publishers (Enfield, US): 103-139. [CCA29 --> PDF; REDUCED QUALITY: FOR A HIGH QUALITY PDF, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
DIOGO, R., B. A. WOOD, M. A. AZIZ & A. BURROWS (2009). On the origin, homologies and evolution of primate facial muscles, with a particular focus on hominoids and a suggested unifying nomenclature for the facial muscles of the Mammalia. Journal of Anatomy 215:300-319. [PCA3 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., V. ABDALA, M. A. AZIZ, N. LONERGAN & B. WOOD (2009). From fish to humans - comparative anatomy, homologies and evolution of the pectoral and forelimb musculature. Journal of Anatomy 214:694-716. [PCA2 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., V. ABDALA, N. LONERGAN & B. WOOD (2008). From fish to humans - comparative anatomy, homologies and evolution of the head and neck musculature. Journal of Anatomy 213:391-424. [PCA1 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2008). On the cephalic and pectoral girdle muscles of the deep-sea fish Alepocephalus rostratus, with comments on the functional morphology and phylogenetic relationships of the Alepocephaloidei (Teleostei). Animal Biology 58: 23-39. [CCA28 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., I. DOADRIO (2008). Cephalic and pectoral girdle muscles of the clupeiform Denticeps clupeoides, with comments on the homologies and plesiomorphic states of these muscles within the Otocephala (Teleostei). Animal Biology 58: 41-66. [CCA27 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2008). Comparative anatomy, homologies and evolution of the mandibular, hyoid and hypobranchial muscles of bony fish and tetrapods: a new insight. Animal Biology 58:123-172. [CCA26 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. & V. ABDALA (2007). Comparative anatomy, homologies and evolution of the pectoral muscles of bony fish and tetrapods: a new insight. Journal of Morphology 268: 504-517. [CCA25 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2007). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Pangasius macronema, with a discussion on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Pangasiidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). International Journal of Morphology 25: 453-466. [CCA24 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2007). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Heptapterus mustelinus, comparison with other heptapterins, and discussion on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Heptapterinae and the Pimelodidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). International Journal of Morphology 25: 735-748. [CCA23 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R, R. BILLS (2006). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of the South African catfish Austroglanis gilli, with comments on the autapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Austroglanididae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Animal Biology 56: 39-62. [CCA22 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2006). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Cetopsis coecutiens, comparison with other cetopsids, and discussion on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic position of the Cetopsidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Belgian Journal of Zoology 136: 3-13. [CCA21 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2006). On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Nematogenys inermis (Ghichenot, 1848), with comments on the autapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Nematogenyidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Belgian Journal of Zoology 136: 15-24. [CCA20 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2005). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Pimelodus blochii, comparison with other pimelodines, and comments on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Pimelodinae (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes). European Journal of Morphology 42: 115-126. [CCA19 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2004). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Schilbe mystus, comparison with other schilbids, and discussion on the monophyly and phylogenetic relationships of the Schilbidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Animal Biology 54: 91-110. [CCA18--> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2004). On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Chaca bankanensis Bleeker 1852, with comments on the autapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Chacidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Animal Biology 54: 159-174. [CCA17 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2004). On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Franciscodoras marmoratus (Lütken 1874), comparison with other doradids, and comments on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Doradidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Animal Biology 54: 175-193. [CCA16 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2004). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Batrachoglanis raninus, with a discussion on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Pseudopimelodinae and the Pimelodidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Animal Biology 54: 261-280. [CCA15 --> PDF]
KAPOOR, B.G., B. KHANNA, R. DIOGO, E. PARMENTIER & M. CHARDON (2003). Internal anatomy of catfishes. In: Arratia, G., B.G. Kapoor, M. Chardon & R. Diogo (eds.), Catfishes, Science Publishers (Enfield, US): 160-176. [CCA14B --> MS]
DIOGO, R. & P. VANDEWALLE (2003). Review of superficial cranial musculature of catfishes, with comments on plesiomorphic states. In: Arratia, G., B.G. Kapoor, M. Chardon & R. Diogo (eds.), Catfishes, Science Publishers (Enfield, US): 47-69. [CCA14 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2003). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Liobagrus reini Hilgendorf 1878, with a discussion on the phylogenetic relationships of the Amblycipitidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Belgian Journal of Zoology 133: 77-84. [CCA13 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2003). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Heteropneustes fossilis (Teleostei: Siluriformes), with comments on the phylogenetic relationships between Heteropneustes and the clariid catfishes. Animal Biology 53: 379-396. [CCA12 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2003). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Centromochlus heckelii, comparison with other auchenipterids, and comments on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Auchenipteridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Animal Biology 53: 397-416. [CCA11 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2003). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Erethistes pusillus, comparison with other erethistids, and discussion on the autapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Erethistidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Journal of Fish Biology 63: 1160-1176. [CCA10 --> PDF]
OLIVEIRA, C., R. DIOGO, P. VANDEWALLE & M. CHARDON (2002). On the myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of three ariid species, Arius heudeloti, Genidens genidens and Bagre marinus, and comparison with other catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Belgian Journal of Zoology 132: 17-24. [CCA9 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2002). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of the Chinese catfish Cranoglanis bouderius, with a discussion on the autapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Cranoglanididae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Journal of Morphology 253: 229-242. [CCA8 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2002). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Glyptothorax fukiensis, comparison with other sisorids, and discussion on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Sisoridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Belgian Journal of Zoology 132: 95-103. [CCA7 --> PDF]
OLIVEIRA, C., R. DIOGO, P. VANDEWALLE & M. CHARDON (2001). On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Plotosus lineatus, with a reflection on Plotosidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) autapomorphies. Journal of Fish Biology 59: 243-266. [CCA6--> PDF]
DIOGO, R., M. CHARDON & P. VANDEWALLE (2001). Osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Bunocephalus knerii, and a discussion on the phylogenetic relationships of the Aspredinidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Netherlands Journal of Zoology 51: 457-481. [CCA5 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., C. OLIVEIRA & M. CHARDON (2001). On the homologies of the skeletal components of catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes) suspensorium. Belgian Journal of Zoology 131: 93-109. [CCA4 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R., C. OLIVEIRA & M. CHARDON (2001). On the osteology and myology of catfish pectoral girdle, with a reflection on catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes) plesiomorphies. Journal of Morphology 249: 100-125. [CCA3 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. & M. CHARDON (2000). Homologies between different adductor mandibulae sections of teleostean fishes, with a special regard to catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Journal of Morphology 243: 193-208. [CCA2--> PDF]
DIOGO, R., P. VANDEWALLE & M. CHARDON (1999). Morphological description of the cephalic region of Bagrus docmak, with a reflection on Bagridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) autapomorphies. Netherlands Journal of Zoology 49: 207-232. [CCA1 --> PDF]