- ZIERMANN, J. M., R. DIAZ & R. DIOGO (2019). "Heads, jaws and muscles: anatomical, functional, and developmental diversity in Chordate evolution". Springer (New York, US). 303 pages.
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- GRANDE, T., F. POYATO-ARIZA & R. DIOGO (2009). "Gonorynchiformes and ostariophysan interrelationships – a comprehensive review". Science Publishers (Enfield, US). 592 pages.
- ARRATIA, G., B.G. KAPOOR, M. CHARDON & R. DIOGO (2003). "Catfishes". Science Publishers (Enfield, US). 812 pages.
- ZIERMANN, J. M. & DIOGO, R. (2019). Evolution of chordate cardiopharyngeal muscles and the origin of vertebrate head muscles. In: Ziermann, J. M., Diaz, R. & Diogo, R. (eds.), Heads, jaws and muscles: anatomical, functional, and developmental diversity in Chordate evolution, Springer (New York, US): 1-22. [FOR A PDF COPY, PLEASE CONTACT RUI DIOGO]
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- MOLNAR, J., R. DIOGO, J. HUTCHINSON & S. PIERCE (2018). Reconstructing pectoral appendicular muscle anatomy in fossil fish and tetrapods over the fins-to-limbs transition. Biological Reviews XX:XX-XX. [CCA53--> PDF --> The pdf is freely available here:
PARMENTIER, E., R. DIOGO & M. L. FINE (2017). Multiple exaptations leading to fish production. Fish and Fisheries 18:958-966. [CPE19--> PDF]
LINDE, M., J. C. BOUGHNER, S. SANTANA & R. DIOGO (2016). Are more diverse parts of the mammalian skull more labile? Ecology and Evolution 6 :2318-2324 [CPE18--> PDF]
DIOGO, R., R. KELLY, L. CHRISTIAEN, M. LEVINE, J.M. ZIERMANN, J. MOLNAR, D. NODEN & E. TZAHOR (2015). A new heart for a new head in vertebrate cardiopharyngeal evolution. Nature 520: 466-473. [CCA44--> PDF]
DIOGO, R., S. WALSH, C. SMITH, J.M. ZIERMANN & V. ABDALA (2015). Towards the resolution of a long-standing evolutionary question: muscle identity and attachments are mainly related to topological position and not to primordium or homeotic identity of digits. Journal of Anatomy 523-529. [CCA43--> PDF]
ZHAO J., D. XU, K. ZHAO, R. DIOGO, J. YANG & Z. PENG (2015). The origin and divergence of Gobioninae fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) based on complete mitochondrial genome sequences. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32: 22-29 [CPE17--> PDF]
ABDALA, V., A. S. MANZANO, L. NIETO, R. DIOGO (2010). Comparative myology of Leiosauridae (Squamata) and its bearing on their phylogenetic relationships. Belgian Journal of Zoology 139:109-123. [CPE16 --> PDF]
POYATO-ARIZA, F., T. GRANDE & R. DIOGO. (2010). General overview of fossil and recent Gonorynchiformes (Teleostei, Ostariophysi). In: Nelson, J.S., H.-P. Schultze & M.V.H. Wilson (eds.), Origin and phylogenetic interrelationships of teleosts, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil (Munchen, Germany): 269-293.
PENG, Z., R. DIOGO, A. LUDWIG & S. HE. (2009). Sturgeons and paddlefishes (Acipenseriformes). In: Hedges, S.B. & S. Kumar (eds.), The timetree of life, Oxford University Press (Oxford, England): 332-334. [CPE15 --> PDF]
PENG, Z., R. DIOGO & S. HE. (2009). Teleost fishes (Teleostei). In: Hedges, S.B. & S. Kumar (eds.), The timetree of life, Oxford University Press (Oxford, England): 335-338. [CPE14 --> PDF]
GRANDE, T., F. POYATO-ARIZA & R. DIOGO. (2009). Gonorynchiform interrelationships: historical overview, analysis, and revised systematics of the group. In: Grande, T., F. Poyato-Ariza & R. Diogo (eds.), Gonorynchiformes and ostariophysan relationships – a comprehensive review, Science Publishers (Enfield, US): 221-231. [CPE13 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. & Z. PENG (2009). State of the art of siluriform higher-level phylogeny. In: Grande, T., F. Poyato-Ariza & R. Diogo (eds.), Gonorynchiformes and ostariophysan relationships – a comprehensive review, Science Publishers (Enfield, US): 407-507. [CPE12 --> PDF]
DUAN, Z., K. ZHAO, Z. PENG, J. LI, R. DIOGO, S. HE & X. ZHAO (2009). Comparative phylogeography of the Yellow River schizothoracine fishes (Cyprinidae): vicariance, expansion, and recent coalescence in response to the Quaternary environmental upheaval in the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53: 1025-1031. [CPE11 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R, I. DOADRIO & P. VANDEWALLE (2009). Teleostean phylogeny based on osteological and myological characters. International Journal of Morphology 26: 463-522. [CPE10 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2007). Homoplasies, consistency index and the complexity of morphological evolution: the catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) as a case study for general phylogeny and macroevolution. International Journal of Morphology 25: 831-837. [CPE9 --> PDF]
PENG, Z., A. LUDWIG, D. WANG, R. DIOGO, Q. WEI, S. HE (2007). Age and biogeography of major clades in sturgeons and paddlefishes (Pisces, Acipenseriformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 42: 854-862. [CPE8 --> PDF]
KU, X. Z. PENG, R. DIOGO, S. HE (2007). MtDNA phylogeny provides evidence of generic polyphyleticism for East Asian bagrid catfishes. Hydrobiologia 579: 147-159. [CPE7 --> PDF]
PENG, Z., S. HE, J. WANG, W. WANG, R. DIOGO (2006). Mitochondrial molecular clocks and the origin of the major otocephalan clades (Pisces, Teleostei): a new insight. Gene 370: 113-124. [CPE6 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2004). Muscles versus bones: catfishes as a case study for an analysis on the contribution of myological and osteological structures in phylogenetic reconstructions. Animal Biology 54: 373-391. [CPE5 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2004). Phylogeny, origin and palaeobiogeography of catfishes: support for a Pangean origin of 'modern teleosts' and reexamination of some Mesozoic connections between Gondwanan and Laurasian regions. Animal Biology 54: 331-351. [CPE4 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2003). Anatomy, phylogeny and taxonomy of Amphiliidae. In: Arratia, G., B.G. Kapoor, M. Chardon & R. Diogo (eds.), Catfishes, Science Publishers (Enfield, US): 401-438. [CPE3 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R. (2003). Higher-level phylogeny of Siluriformes: an overview. In: Arratia, G., B.G. Kapoor, M. Chardon & R. Diogo (eds.), Catfishes, Science Publishers (Enfield, US): 353-384. [CPE2 --> PDF]
DIOGO, R, P. VANDEWALLE (2003). Catfishes as a case study for discussions on general evolution: the importance of functional uncouplings in morphological macroevolution. European Journal of Morphology 41: 139-148. [CPE1 --> PDF]