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(*available at www.amazon.com, www.taylorandfrancis.com, www.springer.com, and all major bookstores: see, e.g., https://www.amazon.com/author/ruidiogo)

- MONTERO, R., ADESOMO, A. & R. DIOGO (2021). On viruses, pandemics, and us: a developing story [De virus, pandemias y nosotros: una historia en desarollo]. Independently published, Tucuman, Argentina. 495 pages. [freely available at https ://www.libropandemia.ar/]

- DIOGO, R., J. ZIERMANN, J. MOLNAR, N. SIOMAVA & V. ABDALA (2018). Muscles of Chordates: development, homologies and evolution. Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 650 pages.

- DIOGO, R. (2017). Evolution driven by organismal behavior: a unifying view of life, function, form, mismatches and trends. Springer (New York, US). 252 pages.

 - DIOGO, R., B. SHEARER, J. M. POTAU, J. F. PASTOR, F. J. DE PAZ, J. ARIAS-MARTORELL, C. TURCOTTE, A. HAMMOND, E. VEREECKE, M. VANHOOF, S. NAUWELAERTS & B. WOOD (2017). Photographic and descriptive musculoskeletal atlas of bonobos - with notes on the weight, attachments, variations, and innervation of the muscles and comparisons with common chimpanzees and humans. Springer (New York, US). 259 pages.

 - DIOGO, R., D. NODEN, C. M. SMITH, J. A. MOLNAR, J. BOUGHNER, C. BARROCAS & J. BRUNO (2016). Learning and understanding human anatomy and pathology: an evolutionary and developmental guide for medical students. Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 348 pages.

SMITH, C. M., J. M. ZIERMANN, J. A. MOLNAR, M. C. GONDRE-LEWIS, C. SANDONE, E. T. BERSU, M. A. AZIZ & R. DIOGO (2015). Muscular and skeletal anomalies in human trisomy in an evo-devo context: description of a T18 cyclopic newborn and comparison between Edwards (T18), Patau (T13) and Down (T21) syndromes using 3-D imaging and anatomical illustrations. Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 217 pages.

- DIOGO, R., J.F. PASTOR, A. HARTSTONE-ROSE & M.N. MUCHLINSKI (2014). "Baby gorilla: Photographic and descriptive atlas of the skeleton, muscles and internal organs - including CT scans and comparisons to other gorillas and primates". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 101 pages.

- DIOGO, R., J.M. POTAU, J.F. PASTOR, F. de PAZ, M.M. BARBOSA, E.M. FERRERO, G. BELLO, M.A. AZIZ, A. BURROWS & B.A. WOOD (2013). "Photographic and descriptive atlas of orangutans (Pongo) - with notes on the attachments, variations, innervation, synonymy and weight of the muscles". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 160 pages.

- DIOGO, R., J.M. POTAU, J.F. PASTOR, F. de PAZ, M.M. BARBOSA, E.M. FERRERO, G. BELLO, M.A. AZIZ, A. BURROWS & B.A. WOOD (2013). "Photographic and descriptive atlas of chimpanzees (Pan) - with notes on the attachments, variations, innervation, synonymy and weight of the muscles". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 149 pages.

- DIOGO, R. & WOOD, B. (2012). "Comparative anatomy and phylogeny of primate muscles and human evolution". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 1025 pages.

- DIOGO, R., J.M. POTAU, J.F. PASTOR, F. de PAZ, M.M. BARBOSA, E.M. FERRERO, G. BELLO, M.A. AZIZ, A. BURROWS & B.A. WOOD (2012). "Photographic and descriptive atlas of gibbons and siamangs (Hylobates) - with notes on the attachments, variations, innervation, synonymy and weight of the muscles". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 168 pages.

- DIOGO, R. & V. ABDALA (2010). "Muscles of Vertebrates: comparative anatomy, evolution, homologies and development". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 476 pages.

- DIOGO, R., J.M. POTAU, J.F. PASTOR, F. de PAZ, M.M. BARBOSA, E.M. FERRERO, G. BELLO & B.A. WOOD (2010). "Photographic and descriptive atlas of Gorilla - with notes on the attachments, variations, innervation, synonymy and weight of the muscles". Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). 132 pages.

- DIOGO, R. (2007). "Origin and evolution of higher clades: osteology, myology, phylogeny and macroevolution of bony fishes and the rise of tetrapods". Science Publishers (Enfield, US). 367 pages.

- DIOGO, R. (2004). "Morphological evolution, Aptations, Homoplasies, Constraints, and Evolutionary trends: catfishes as a case study on general phylogeny and macroevolution". Science Publishers (Enfield, US). 491 pages.


(*available at www.amazon.com, www.scipub.net, and at the websites of all major bookstores)

-VERACINI, C., B. WOOD & R. DIOGO (2021). "Encounters between humans and other primates - history, myth, art, science and our place in nature". Science Publishers and Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK). XX pages.

- ZIERMANN, J. M., R. DIAZ & R. DIOGO (2019). "Heads, jaws and muscles: anatomical, functional, and developmental diversity in Chordate evolution". Springer (New York, US). 303 pages.

- GRANDE, T., F. POYATO-ARIZA & R. DIOGO (2009). "Gonorynchiformes and ostariophysan interrelationships – a comprehensive review". Science Publishers (Enfield, US). 592 pages.

- ARRATIA, G., B.G. KAPOOR, M. CHARDON & R. DIOGO (2003). "Catfishes". Science Publishers (Enfield, US). 812 pages.


- Papers/Book Chapters on Anatomical Networks: click HERE

- Papers/Book Chapters on Birth Defects: click HERE

- Papers/Book Chapters on Chordate Developmental Biology: click HERE

- Papers/Book Chapters on Chordate Comparative Anatomy: click HERE

- Papers/Book Chapters on Chordate Phylogeny and Evolution: click HERE

- Papers/Book Chapters on Chordate Functional Morphology: click HERE

- Papers/Book Chapters on Primate Comparative Anatomy: click HERE

- Papers/Book Chapters on Primate Phylogeny and Evolution: click HERE

- Papers/Book Chapters on Philosophy, History, and Biases of Sciences: click HERE

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